Code Trading Board

This is the place to post your trainer code if you want to invite raids to each other, etc. Post your suggestions or questions to GOFRIEND here.


816 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Plz inv me for uxie and azelf
4057 9853 2526
Level 38
819 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Be ready in 9min I added you right now
821 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
After this please invite me to a mesprit raid thank you
845 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me to a mespirt raid I was the one that invite you to a azelf raid I’m Djskul******
842 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Need mesprit raid level 39 trainer code 7929-1106-4392 thanks
789 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me to a mesprit raid please I been trying for a long time and still no luck

Trainer code : 6224 4787 2993
790 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Also I can do azelf because I’m from the US

Trainer code : 6224 4787 2993
791 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Hi there, will send you a friend invite for a mesprit raid later. I’m from the Netherlands and interested I azelf. Hope it will work
out for you!
798 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Is this bluebub***** ? If it’s you I’m going to invite you to a azelf in the afternoon at 2pm at US time please be ready and online so I can invite to a azelf raid
799 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Bluebub*** I got a azelf raid be ready
806 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite my 2 accounts. I got a mesprit hatching soon

809 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Bluebub*** if you’re out here please get ready...... also for the new people I’m talking now I added both accounts so be ready please 40min
812 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29

Just be ready
813 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
817 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
You think you can invite me to another mesprit raid I didn’t catch it thanks almost there
822 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Almost there for azelf raid
824 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please be ready
825 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please be online
826 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Not had invite
827 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Can i join? Or did u start?
832 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Caught him on both. I’ll invite you to any mesprit that appear. Hope you catch it
839 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Glad to here that


I will send you guys invite raid later on in the afternoon this Djskul****** thanks for inviting me to mesprit raid and hope you guys can send me another invite to mesprit raid whenever you guys can
796 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
219931302610 mesprit raids please. Can invite to Azelf.
814 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I friende u plz inv me for Azelf ill invite u for Mesprit if u r online
823 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
R u yus***?
830 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I'll invite for Mesprit asap. Please inv to Azelf. Sent a friend request(Juhamar)
820 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me to a mesprit raid. My finger hurts from pressing refresh ?.

Trainer code: 1242 4089 2994

I can coordinate Azelf raid in return.
818 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite to Uxie and Mesprite & Azelf
5948 0064 8191
808 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
??Please?? invite me for Azelf & Mesprit 1350 3708 0713 level 40
811 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Ill invite u for Mesprit if u can invite me for Uxie
810 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Plz inv me for Uxie or Azelf
4639 3376 0574 lvl 33
If anybody inv me i can invite Them for Mesprit
807 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Plz inv me for Uxie or Azelf
4639 3376 0574 lvl 33
805 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
hello I would like to do some crehelfet raid crefadet here is my code
803 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite me to Azelf please. 2 x Level 40
2194 7481 1649
7001 1615 4045

802 Posted by valedema 2020/11/29
Azelf raid needed, lvl 33
8119 9418 5472
801 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite me for azelf please. Level 40
8538 9468 0380
800 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I need a uxie raid 7110 7556 7498
797 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
i nee uxie and azelf raid please
7536 5908 6886
795 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite me to azelf raid.
Trainer code: 8841 3771 9311
794 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite me to uxie raid i send gifts every single day
Trainer code : 0661 0570 6905
Lvl: 29
793 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
219931302610 can invite to Azelf raids. But need to get into a few mesprit raids
763 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Need mesprit and people who send gifts everyday 9280 9156 6015
792 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Hi, will send you an friendinvite for a mesprit raid later. I’m from Amsterdam. Sending gifts daily too. Good luck!
787 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I need invites and gifts
786 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I need uxie 4360 8507 2452
785 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite Azelf raid
784 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me Azelf Raid
3280 6486 1045

I'll make up Uxie raids tomorrow
783 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Looking for Mesprit and Azelf raids please!
6410 6258 9441
782 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I need azelf and uxie. We have
mesprit invite me please
9901 4125 4965
781 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Uxie raids please
780 Posted by Danguspookydoe 2020/11/29
0841 8384 1456
Need mega blastoise raids please!!
777 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Can anyone invite to mesprit raid , can help with azelf 2786 7344 9220
779 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I'll get you in one in a few minutes. Need Azelf
778 Posted by Danguspookydoe 2020/11/29
0841 8384 1456
Always down for a raid!!
776 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Plz can someone inv me to an uxie.
FC: 9566 0513 3628
774 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please inv me to Azelf or Uxie, i can inv to Mesprit 4639 3376 0574
775 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Invite me
772 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Looking for Mesprit raids, can invite to Azelf Raids.
773 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
4708 9730 7241
771 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me for mesprit and azelf
6082 1451 2647 lv40
769 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Looking for invite to Mesprit raid. Willing to assist with Azelf later today.

Lvl 40, Trainer code: 3309 1046 4570
768 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite to Uxie and Mesprite raids 2485 2267 8871
765 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Need help for misprint and will help you for axelf 0262 9511 0463
764 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I need a misprint plz add me 2713 2662 4554
762 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
6219 5749 3190 Still in search of a meaprit raid
761 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Can someone please invite 2 players
To a mesprit raid? Having trouble
Getting in thank you so much !!
Both level 40
9484 9840 9345
8005 5486 9784
715 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please Azelf needed, i can invite for Mespirit. 126743948471
716 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
2103 3945 2863 Gawain057. I can invite you today but please invite me to a Mesprit too
718 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Can I get an invite for mesprit please 0285 9041 3430
722 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
I also sant to take Azelf raid my code is 6282 1226 3931
Lvl 40. Can invite fort Mespirit when available
726 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Unfortunately i don't have currently any mesprit near raids are over for today, but i promise that I'll invite u tomorow for sure
760 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Can I get an invite for Mesprit?! I can invite you to an Azelf!!
759 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Looking for uxie or mesprit 476920647804
758 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
0285 9041 3430
Can I get a Mesprit invite please
757 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29

Looking for mesprit raids. Thank you !!
756 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
need uxie
755 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
4103 2939 5719
754 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
4103 2939 5719
753 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me for mesprit and azelf
3117 0531 5395
Thank you
752 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Would like an invite for Mesprit Please 294473643787 from Canada:)
751 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Please invite me to any uxie or Mesprit raids I can invite you to azelf raids
8989 3653 0156
Thanks in advance
750 Posted by anonymous 2020/11/29
Looking for mesprit raid 766805384317
